Our Mission and Vision

North Perth Out of School Care Centre Inc. (NORPOSC) is a community based nonprofit organisation dedicated to working with parents, carers, school bodies and the community to provide out of school care in a safe and nurturing environment.

We strive to achieve our mission by providing after school and vacation care at Highgate and North Perth for kindergarten, pre-primary and primary school children and referrals to link families with government and community services.

Our vision is to enrich our children’s lives through our program of diverse cultural, sporting, artistic and educational experiences.
NORPOSC – where family, community and school come together.
Our Assumptions
·         Being located on the school site is preferable to ensure the continuity of care, reduce risks that can arise if transporting children to another site and to ensure children are in a familiar environment;
·         We will be able to continue to provide the service on site at Highgate Primary School;
·         We will in the future be able to provide services on site at North Perth Primary School;
·         We will meet all legal requirements under the Child Care Services (Outside School Hours Care) Regulations
·         We will maintain the centre to a high level of quality in accordance with the National Childcare Accreditation Council.  
·         We will accept any child currently attending kindergarten, pre-primary or primary school, except where the safety of other children at the centre will be put in jeopardy;
·         We will collect children only from Highgate and North Perth Primary Schools;
·         We will not expand our service to operate at other schools;
·         We will rely on grants and fundraising for the bulk of our capital expenditure;
·         We will operate the after school care service on every school day (except pupil free days);
·         We will operate the vacation care service except for an annual closure of 2 weeks during Christmas and New Year weeks;
·         We will have a single fee structure across both centres, recognizing that there is co-responsibility for direct and overhead costs between the two centres and providing that the viability of each centre is reviewed on an annual basis;
·         To operate a high quality service meeting the needs of all children from diverse backgrounds and levels of ability means operating at lower child to staff ratios and higher quality staff, so that our fees may be higher than other centres operating at lower quality levels;
·         We will operate at a minimum surplus of 5% to ensure the ongoing financial viability and that equipment and facilities can be maintained and replaced;
·         We operate as an incorporated association; and
·         Being a nonprofit community based centre allows us to better meet the needs of parents, cares, children, schools and the community in general.